Frequently asked questions

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Why choose us?
This website has beautiful UI and functionality which helps people to solve many problems, hopefully, you will find out it useful too, and you will come back for more.
What are the best practices for using a "Weekly To Do List"?
Weekly to do list is built for busy people who have a lot to remember. In this case, you are perfect to use this app. For example, if you have four kids and all kids go to different after-school clubs smart-book is a good place to store data of picking up times or bringing them back times from (to) after-school lessons.
How much cost weekly to do list?
Weekly to do list is a completely free feature.
Is smart-book going to add more features?
Yes, please share with me your cool APIS, and I`ll consider adding them to smart-book.
What are the best practices to use to-do lists?
This list is best for adding weekly to do lists, shopping items, birthday dates, or any other data which will be useful in the future.
What is the age limit for smart-book?
This website is good for any age.
How to create an account?
You need to navigate to the login page then press google login and let google to register you or register manualy by clicking "Register" button.
How long does it take to register an account?
Usually, it takes less than 1 minute.
How long does it take to get a response from the support team?
To receive a response usually takes 24 hours.