Free weekly to do list! Build your lists, organize your life and do not forget your tasks again.

Weekly To Do List
Todo list
All devices
No payments
Data security for free
Extremely fast
Easy to use

Weekly To Do List

Weekly To Do List has been designed and built to track weekly tasks, like when to pick up your child from after school club, or any kind of tasks you do weekly, but sometimes you forget to-do.

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To-do list

It's a list of tasks you need to complete or things that you want to do. Most typically, they're organized in order of priority. Traditionally, they're written on a piece of paper or post-it notes and act as a memory aid.

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Everything in one application

Create one account and get 2 applications for free. These applications help time planning and organizing and also track your plans, it is very easy to use the Smartbook, you can track, add, edit, and delete your tasks from any device in seconds.